About Me

FlicksChick.com is the realization of the epic dream (or, actually, goal) of Sarah K., who still experiences severe self-doubt when exhibiting her writing for the entire world to see, despite being at this for a couple of years now. In her past life of pre-blogging, she has been all of the following: circular saw operator, library book shelver, pastry inventorier, fake animal stuffer, medical billing assistant, online tutor, and custodial/event set-up partner. Despite her varied experiences, her favorite occupations by far have been as teacher of middle and high schoolers at her K-12 alma mater; middle school basketball coach; student of English, history, and world culture; and college professor. She possesses the rare and always useful degree of Bachelor of Arts in Greco-Roman Archaeology (with a history minor)–as well as a Masters in English Literature. Obsessively, she enjoys roadtrips (preferably on Route 66) and sports of most kinds. She believes that faith, hope, and love are key. She has loved movies forever and has a passion for studying their place in history and effects on people’s thoughts and lives. She is very excited to make all of your acquaintances! Welcome to FlicksChick.com!